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Fraud…Identity theft…..?

We've all heard horror stories about fraud that's committed using your name, address, SS#, credit, etc. Unfortunately I (author of this piece) have firsthand knowledge, because my wallet was stolen last month and within a week the thieve(s) ordered an expensive monthly cell phone package, applied for a VISA credit card, had a credit line approved to buy...

And that’s the bottom line….

And that’s the bottom line…. In the news again, a northern California city is shocked by an unbelievable crime, or so the newspaper said… Two men were arrested for doing the unthinkable. Breaking into cars at a funeral home while family members were attending the service for their deceased loved ones… Unthinkable? Unbelievable? I think not. Two cars were found to have...

Merry Christmas America……

Merry Christmas America……. Forget the lectures, forget the sad stories, and forget the tragedies we watch on the news on a nightly basis. Forget about the darker side of life, the same repeated headlines in the newspapers. The same pain. The same crimes, time after time. Hey forget about all that for a couple days, it's Christmas time. It's...

Is it really a Cop pulling you over?

Is it really a Cop pulling you over? Nobody likes being pulled over by an officer for a traffic violation. If you’re lucky, it’s only a warning. If you’re not lucky, it’s a ticket. And lately for a few unlucky drivers, it’s been a terrorizing experience. That’s because the car that pulled them over wasn’t a police car at all....