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The House Key you give away……

The House Key you give away… You come home, reach for the visor, and instantly your garage door opens for you. That magic button you leave "clipped to the visor in your car" is so convenient. Everybody does it. I used to do it until I started seeing a pattern of how criminals really work when no one is watching. If...

To our “CopTalk” Friends & Brothers in Law Enforcement

To our "CopTalk" Friends & Brothers in Law Enforcement 1999 is turning out to be a busy year and that's not a good sign. Our goal at Netcops PSI is to reverse the current trend, not watch it get worse. Mark, Brent, and I will work even harder to make sure that people have the opportunity to know what they...

“Tis the season”…. again

"Tis the season"…. again There's an ad on television that shows a young man, angry because he got arrested for a DUI. As he sits on the bus stop bench he recites all the fines he has to pay, as well as his license being suspended, insurance being cancelled, and so on. I get the point the commercial is trying...

Keeping your COOL!

Tip of the week 8/12/99 Keeping your COOL! The call came in like this… "Juvenile caller on 911 reports an adult neighbor is choking his 15-year old friend in front of the location, only additional information is dispute was prompted by music the juvenile was playing, unknown if weapons are involved." I was stopped at a red light and my mind started...