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CopTalk: Fires and Fire Prevention

Fires and Fire Prevention: Unless you've actually been inside of a burning building, you'll never be able to imagine the sheer terror and panic that can overcome you in seconds!  In the past 24 years I’ve had to be inside many burning structures that were fully involved. Both as a firefighter protected by full emergency gear and clothing, and as a...

CopTalk: Bail

Bail: You get arrested for spousal abuse. You are booked at the County Jail and the booking Deputy tells you that your bail is $75,000.00 Your ticket to getting out of jail until the first court date is to come up with $75,000.00 bail money.  Bail gives you the opportunity to get out of jail while at the same time offering some...

CopTalk Podcast: Episode Test

Feel free to ignore this test file - We need to put it up to make sure all podcast links are updating properly. Do not mind the mess as we work to get our almost 20 year plus podcast back up and running for future episodes answering your questions. Feel free to submit your questions here: https://www.coptalk.info/askacop to ask your questions

CopTalk: Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents You come to a stoplight and stop. Suddenly you hear tires screeching and WHAM, you are struck from behind. Or, You are trying to parallel park in a parking lot and OOOOOPS, you bump the car in front of you. Or, A minor collision where both parties agree what has happened. Any minor traffic accident can be handled without a police officer.  Most...