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CopTalk: Fires and Fire Prevention

Fires and Fire Prevention: Unless you've actually been inside of a burning building, you'll never be able to imagine the sheer terror and panic that can overcome you in seconds!  In the past 24 years I’ve had to be inside many burning structures that were fully involved. Both as a firefighter protected by full emergency gear and clothing, and as a...

CopTalk: Carjackings – How to avoid injury

Carjackings - How to avoid Injury? This is a topic, which is debatable.   Some people realize that their vehicle is only a material item and replaceable, and others think that no one, under no circumstances, is going to get their car.  It is the latter category which often blends into other categories such as Robberies, Assaults, Rapes, ADW  (assault with...

CopTalk: Business Alarms

Business Alarms: Keep in mind that an alarm during the day is completely different than an alarm going off at night when nobody is inside your business. My concern for a business being open is this. Crook enters bank, office, grocery store, liquor store, whatever. Crook pulls out a gun to do a robbery. An employee hits the alarm and the audible...

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CopTalk: Brandishing

Brandishing: A Brandishing can occur anytime, anywhere, and with any kind of weapon. The most common type of brandishing is with a firearm, such as when someone points a gun towards another person out of anger, road-rage, etc.    Example: It's 3:30am, and you’re driving home from work. A car starts to tailgate you driving right behind your rear bumper. You get a...