10 most Dangerous cities in America

Click below for the full article on their website: http://www.mylife.com/blog/the-10-most-dangerous-cities-in-america/

Does your neighbor have your back

From our friends at: http://www.simplisafe.com Original Article: http://simplisafe.com/blog/does-your-neighbor-have-your-back (Read the full article on there site – Here is the first part) ...

Suicide Attempts: “5150”

"The holidays bring an increase in police calls of domestic violence and suicide attempts. While many of us enjoy the holidays with family and...

CopTalk listed in Top 100 Crime Experts

CopTalk listed as one of the Top 100 Crime Experts to follow on twitter http://www.mylife.com/blog/100-crime-experts-to-follow-on-twitter/