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Ask a Cop? Private property parking and people who are just jerks?

Question: I go to a small gym in a small shopping center. It gets crowded sometimes. Today I felt harassed by one of the other shop owners about parking. What are my rights? There are a few curbs painted that say 20 min parking and one of the shop owners puts out cones sometimes!! Today was the first time I...

Ask a Cop? Deceased Law Enforcement family member belongings?

Question: What do I do with my deceased family members belongings that appear to be Law Enforcement related: Old TicketsCourt PapersDepartment letterhead and envelopesBadge PatchesUniformsDo I just turn them in or destroy them? Answer: If it is just old paperwork, ticket books, etc you can just destroy them. I suggest shredding them. As for patches etc, those I am sure the department they...

Ask a Cop? Buying a Vape?

Question: can someone who is 21 buy a vape for someone who is 18, 19, or 20Follow Up: what if I am in Oregon and I already had a previous addiction then could my dad buy one for me if I am 18 19 or 20 Answer: Depends on your state and local laws. In most states that I know if the...

Ask a Cop? My parents are tracking my vehicle?

Question: Hello I have a question about tracking. My parents gave me my truck and I have not changed the title to my name yet. I found out my parents put a tracker on my truck without my permission. Is it illegal to track someone without their permission. How can I go about it. Is there anything else I can do...